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Pages of Slytherin

Books and books and more books. I'm a nerd about books.

Currently reading

Black Dawn
Rachel Caine
Progress: 100/367 pages
Black Dawn (The Morganville Vampires, #12)
Rachel Caine
currently reading
Rachel Caine
November 2014
currently reading
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
reviewed: Last Breath
Iam so invested still in this series, and have found that it only gets better from here. I will be starting Black Dawn very s...
Last Breath - Rachel Caine
finished reading:
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
reviewed: Redeemed
Really good, even with it ending I would've loved to be more engrossed in the world with Neferet out of the story, because I ...
Redeemed - Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast
finished reading:
November 2014
finished reading:
November 2014
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finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Uninvited
Never read anything like this, HTS(Homicidal Tendency Syndrome) who would've thought of creating such a disorder as this. I r...
Uninvited - Sophie Jordan
finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Flowers in the Attic
Good story I just couldn't get into this. V.c. andrews was/is a fantastic writer I just had trouble getting into the story an...
Flowers in the Attic - V.C. Andrews
finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Half-Blood: A Covenant Novel
This was really good, and not what I expected it to be upon reading it, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about diving into th...
Half-Blood: A Covenant Novel - Justine Eyre, Jennifer L. Armentrout
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
October 2014
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finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Burn for Burn
This was an interesting read to say the least and it had a lot of interesting things when it came to a plot and storyline wit...
Burn for Burn - Jenny Han, Siobhan Vivian
reviewed: Rebellion (The Whispers of the Fallen)
I received this in exchange for an honest review all of the view points are my own. I was really blown away with the author's...
Rebellion (The Whispers of the Fallen) - J.D. Netto
reviewed: The Whispers of the Fallen
I received this ebook in exchange for an honest review, and these are my thoughts on this superbly written story. The author ...
The Whispers of the Fallen - J.D. Netto
finished reading:
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finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Of Monsters and Madness
This story blew me away and is by far one of my favorites of his work and honestly I loved this honest and enriching retellin...
Of Monsters and Madness - Jessica Verday
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
October 2014
finished reading:
October 2014
finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: MARY: The Summoning
I give this book 3.5 stars for originality of an urban legend I have heard a million different versions of and whether they b...
MARY: The Summoning - Hillary Monahan
finished reading:
October 2014
finished reading:
October 2014
finished reading:
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finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Omens: A Cainsville Novel (Omens and Shadows)
Couldn't get into this. I love her writing just this was abit slow for me and I wasn't really in the mood for this book.
Omens - Kelley Armstrong
finished reading:
September 2014
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finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
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finished reading:
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: Devilish
This was supposed to be this cute contemporary paranormal story and it turned out to be nothing more then a bland read. Good ...
Devilish - Maureen Johnson
finished reading:
September 2014
finished reading:
September 2014
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finished reading:
September 2014
finished reading:
September 2014
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: Amulet, Book 2: The Stonekeeper's Curse
I really enjoyed this installment it had alot more action then the first and it really showed Emily grow as an individual.
Amulet, Book 2: The Stonekeeper's Curse - Kazu Kibuishi
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: Amulet, Vol. 1: The Stonekeeper
I had heard so many good things about this series and this being my first graphic novel series to start was incredibly brilli...
Amulet, Vol. 1: The Stonekeeper - Kazu Kibuishi
finished reading: